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"Beautiful Carter"

I am SOOO excited to start my first Blog with all of you Beautiful Kings and Queens. Im hoping to have both Men and Women Follow me as Men are Victims as well of this terrible thing we call Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic Violence is Physical, Mental, Financial and Verbal Abuse. Here, we will talk about it all. I will NOT limit anything about Domestic Violence so anything that you want to talk about please email me at or leave me a comment.

For those of you following me for the first time, I am a victim of Domestic Violence for 8 years. It was one of the worst times of my life. I didn't realize so many were going thru the same thing I was going thru until I opened myself up to the world about my experience. Scared of what others would think of me, I toke my blinders off and said I am ready to expose ME to the world. Ive allowed the world into my world to see and feel my pain. This has allowed so many to come forward and face their truth as well. Here as well, I will share anything you want to know about ME. If you want to know what its like raising a child in Domestic Violence, ASK. If you want to know if I have Triggers and still hurt and cry and scream, ASK. ASK me anything YOU feel comfortable with and I will respond. I will make your questions TOPICS OF THE DAY, right here. So don't be ashamed ask me anything. I am here for you as you are here for me.

TOGETHER we will make this thing called Domestic Violence be NO MORE.

I love you and remember STAY Beautiful

"Beautiful Carter"

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