***********HAPPPYYY BIRTHDAYYYYYY****** Dear son, THIS day changed my life forever. For 26 hours you were determined to stay right where you were. Your grandma and great grandma wanted you in this world so bad especially since it was now your great grandmas birthday. But I wanted you more. I wanted to meet the person that every time I was sad you would make an appearance and I would watch you go from one side of my stomach to the next and that would make me laugh. You were the one when I didn't want to breathe anymore you would breathe for me. On June 30 at 10:12 am you entered this world. I didn't know the first thing about a child but I waited for that cry to know you were ok. They laid you on my chest. I forever cherished that moment because our hearts became one. I remember thinking please save me but in the same breathe that was a huge burden to put on you. You must have still heard me because you opened your eyes and stared at me with your then blue eyes until I truly felt our connection.i have never lost that connection and I THANK YOU Facebook friends please help me wish my King, my heartbeat, my breath, my "STINK MAN" a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Many blessings to you son. May this day and many more be your Kingdom to shine bright. Remember God first and all your wishes will be his granted I love you son Masha #itsusagainsttheworldÂ